FUTUREhope – Hertford and Ware is a free, confidential service working holistically with young people aged 11-19 in the local area.
Our primary goal is to empower young people to have hope for their future and reach their full potential through our four key areas of work.
Our mobile youth centre and purposeful detached work. Aiming to meet young people where they are at.
Working with schools (assemblies and tutor sessions) and through delivery of a range of small group work activities.
Provision of one-to-one work (long term relationships) through mentoring.
Drop In youth café is a weekly after school space for young people in school years 7 to 13, to hang out with friends, grab a milkshake and play games. It runs on Wednesdays during term time and all are welcome.
Our Values
We believe that every person is a valuable individual and should be treated with respect regardless of gender, sexuality, race, religion, belief, or ability.
We believe that every young person should have access to free and/or affordable support to help them grow and establish healthy relationships.
We believe that every young person has the right to freedom of choice and therefore has the right to be involved in the decision making process about the programme of help that is offered.
FUTUREhope – Hertford and Ware is governed by a management board and is registered charitable incorporated organisation. (Charity Number: 1186296).
Thanks for all your help – you have really supported me, I don’t know what I would have done without you.
– 18 year old homeless girl
I feel like I’m more open about everything and more confident in myself. I’m more open to talking about my issues.
– 16 year old girl

This group has been really helpful, I now have 2 friends I can trust and get support from.
– 13 year old girl
I didn’t understand how much this could change me as a person.
– 13 year old boy
One to One Mentoring
Each young person is matched and paired with a mentor for support and encouragement.
We use a variety of tools in mentoring to cover topics like anxiety, anger or money management through to strategies for coping in school or at home.
Over the course of the year our mentors build a strong relationship with their young person. Meetings take place in coffee shops, parks or our office with full parental or school consent.
Mobile Youth Centre
We take our mobile youth centre out every Friday night in term time. We alternate between Hartham Common, Hertford and Priory Street, Ware.
We serve hot drinks/biscuits, have a games console and alcohol/drug information. Our team get into great conversations with young people that sometimes leads them into accessing our wider work.
We run summer bus in the holidays and maintain a presence at community events. More recently we have taken it into local schools in lunch time.
We occasionally go out and walk around Hertford and Ware in detached work – touching base with young people we haven’t seen for a while or meeting new young people and letting them know about FUTUREhope and the support we offer.
We work in a range of local schools providing up-to-date, informative and relevant educational sessions for all ages. These include “Impacts: Drugs, Alcohol and Me”; “Showing Up: How I See My Body and How Others See My Body”; “Being Present: Staying Stress and Anxiety Free” and “Money Matters”. These sessions can delivered in different formats including as assemblies, for year groups or for specially targeted students.
Drop In youth café is a space for young people to drop in after school to hang out with friends, grab a milkshake and play games.
It is for any young person in secondary school, aged 11-18, and is open every Wednesday in term time from 3:30.
Before you started helping my daughter she was about as far away from me as she could possibly be.
– Mother
Our funding comes from a variety of places. We are truly grateful for the support of the local churches in Hertford and Ware as well as individual donors who support us with one-off gifts or regular giving. We also work hard to get grants from the local Town, County and District Councils and we have been blessed to be supported by organisations and companies including The National Lottery, Durkan Homes, the Screwfix Foundation, Tesco and Co-op. If you would like to support us financially please get in touch or see details on this website.
These are the ways you can help us …
Donate online
You can also donate to us, both regularly or one-off, online through Stewardship.
Regular Giving
You can support us through regular donations by filling in a standing order form. Please get in touch with us at we will get one to you. Anything from £5 to £500 means that we can plan ahead as we know what we have in the pot!
All our volunteer mentors are drawn from local churches. If you attend a local church and are interested in being a mentor, please get in touch. Other roles in the Café or on the Bus do not necessarily require you to be a churchgoer as long as you are sympathetic to our ethos. Contact us at info@fhhw.org.uk